Thursday Jan 26, 2023
038: The M Word (Ft. Dr Philippa Kaye)
"Past their peak and no longer so potent", was said by the Bank of England's Deputy Governor in 2018, as he described Britain as going through a "menopausal moment".
At the same time, Dr Philippa Kaye was writing her book about female empowerment during menopause, and this kind of ignorance highlighted further the need for education surrounding it. The book was a bestseller, and because of the learnings within the menopause space, has just been updated with additional chapters.
The M Word on Amazon:
Philippa Kaye's Instagram:
From your host : Adele Johnston
I’m Adele Johnston, a certified nutritionist and positive psychology coach, passionate about helping women improve their menopause health and reclaim who you are without menopause taking over.
This is a time in your life where you get to feel vibrant, sexy and reclaim you again!
I’m proud to work with women like you and have created a very successful proven Reclaiming You 3 STEP PROCESS to help you take back control of your body during your menopause.
For more details :
To get Adele's FREE 3-step Menopause Weight Loss Guide: